
I share my journey from Advertising student to self-taught designer transitioning from agency life to freelancing, highlighting my creative lifestyle and supporting underrepresented voices in the creative industry. I've built a community of creative peers and like-minded individuals from upcoming generations, active on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Discord.


Join me as I design and redesign brands in real time, offer advice to current and aspiring creative entrepreneurs, speak on my entire journey as a creator, or you can just binge-watch my day-to-day reality if you want. This channel came to life in early 2023, capturing the pivotal moments of my transition into full-time freelancing.

JOIN GENius hq

Genius HQ is a discord server of over 500 members (as of Jan 2023), who all share a passion for creativity, entrepreneurship, tech, and personal/professional improvement. It is a space where members can cowork and collaborate remotely, receive critiques on work and portfolios, share leads in the job market, hold each other accountable, share resources, and have a good time.